Sunday, September 12, 2010

Be vigilant when dealing with Thai Customs - Scary

Be vigilant when dealing with Thai Customs - Scary

Does it shock you that this can actually happen in an International Airport ?

I was harassed at the Thai Customs. The Customs Officer asked for outright bribery. I gave him my loose change of Taiwan $2x300 but was met by his waving of a US$100 note. I called for the Tour Leader to intercede.
The Customs Officer declared that my luggage needed to be given a
special search. The Tour Leader adamantly refused because if it did get
taken to the back room for searching, they will INSERT DRUGS into it.

The following incident happened to a Taiwanese national.
Lee helped a female custom officer to unload a suitcase from the
conveyor as an act of kindness. She immediately accused him of hiding
drugs in THAT SUITCASE which did not belong to him in the first place.
He was asked to pay bribe to the amount of $4M Baht (which he did not
comply). He was thrown into jail for 1 yr during which he was forced to
wear leg chains for 5 months. His family had to pay $3000 per month so
that he could have decent food, instead of food worse than what we give
to animals.
After 18 appeals, his case was brought for retrial. He was acquitted with no damages paid. His Rolex watch, cash,and passport were never returned.

Your luggage could be implanted with drugs by Customs Officers or people
authorized to handle suitcases, and hefty bribes asked from you. Jail is full
of people in this situation. There are currently 67 Taiwanese in jail; 47 were thrown into jail with planted drug because they refused to pay the demanded bribes. Taiwan has no diplomatic ties with Thailand .

P/S : I can attest to the fact that I saw people having their suitcases super-taped up at the airport in Phuket. Gigantic tapes, exactly the same as those used by the movers on furniture. It costs to have this procedure done and I simply could not understand the reason for such a step then.



出境時泰國海關人員竟然光明正大的伸手向我索賄原因 是:他的意思是說我的行李超重,要拆開來看一下原本我不給,同團的朋友說:算了!給他一點好了我就把剩下的泰國錢全給他了,大約合台幣2、3百那個海關的人
竟然不要,他竟指定要美金100元,因為他還拿一張美金100元讓我看一下,後來我 就大叫領隊過來,領隊和他溝通了一下,於是泰國海關的人就說:我的行李要拿到房間裡面特別檢查,還好,領隊堅持不行,後來領隊告訴我:拿進去檢查就完蛋 了!因為泰國海關人員就會塞進去毒品!所以,以下這則新聞我想一定是泰國海關 人員刻意栽贓的所以,從那次以後,我發誓我再也不會去泰國觀光,否則一輩子就 完了。

ps: 當時領隊陳建鴻(中國海專畢業,鳳凰旅遊) 感謝您了!


國人李進益去年 7月30日自泰國曼谷返國,在通關經過隨身 行李X光機時,在其行李後面有一個手提包無人認領,李進益被泰國女警叫住,以為是女警因為行李太重,請他幫忙將行李拿下來,李進益將行李拿下放在地下之
後,就轉身拿著自己的行李登機,不料卻因此被泰國警方依攜帶含有安非他命的減 肥藥逮捕,其間還向他索賄400萬元泰銖! (約323萬台幣)他被關了一年多才釋放。


外交部亞太司秘書胡志堅則表示,我國目前共有67人遭泰國 監禁,其中47人都是因為毒品案件,外交部也知道泰國索賄的問題,但是不便介入。

李進益在記者會中現身說法,表示自己因為在泰國經商,被 當地警察索賄很多,知道泰國警察的作法,必須要順著對方的意思,原本他已經過了X光機,向前走了5、6步,卻被女警兇惡的叫住,他因為不懂泰文,以為是對方


掉,期間泰國 警方還向他索賄,要求5萬泰銖即可拿掉腳鐐。


李進益遭拘禁期間,泰國警方還向他開價 400萬泰銖。由於堅持自己沒有犯罪,李進益屢次在泰國法庭上要求法官向泰國緝毒警察局索? ‖F場錄? 皫ёC明自己的清白,緝毒組卻以證人、證據未到等理由,前後13次要求法院
延期審理,直到今年 8月2日 才將錄影帶送到法官手中,法院在9月3日 開庭之後,判決李進益當庭無罪釋放。


請各位用力傳閱! !

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