Saturday, July 18, 2009

Whoever use Diamond water system in the house, PLEASE TAKE NOTE!!

Whoever use Diamond water system in the house, PLEASE TAKE NOTE!!

The TV kicks explodes the diamond energy water advertisement.

The diamond hydraulic engine user, please immediately examine the kidney!!! ?Please immediately forward for all diamond hydraulic engine user, the boundless beneficence!!! Diamond hydraulic engine user infection renal glomerulus nephritis - Miss Li 32 years old, every year have the custom which the routine whole body examines, in February, 2006, Miss Li has installed bench drill quarry water machine, after starts to live has drunk the lu water, in April, 2006 does the routine whole body examines when detected infects the renal glomerulus nephritis, the kidney function started to decline. According to knows Malaysia , Singapore and Hong Kong had the multi-people to infect.

Diamond hydraulic engine backwoods coli serious exceeding the allowed figure. Diamond hydraulic engine user Mr. Chen, in, 2006 has June installed bench drill quarry water machine, after starts to live has drunk the lu water, felt the body is ill, the daily stomach flows swiftly many times, the proxy explanation is the change for the better response, Mr. Chen did not feel relieved, after therefore has handed over the lu water the chemical examination to analyze voluntarily, the result is backwoods coli serious exceeding the allowed figure. Therefore Mr.Chen draws back immediately machine. The wired news kicks explodes the diamond energy water advertisement.




鑽石水機用戶感染腎小球腎炎- 李小姐32 歲,每年都有例行全身檢驗的習慣,2006
年2 月,李小姐安裝了一台鑽石水機,開始生飲過瀘後的水,2006 年4月作例行全身



鑽石水機用戶陳先生,2006 年6月安裝了一台鑽石水機,開始生飲過瀘後的水,感 到
身體不適,每天肚瀉多次,代理解釋為好轉反應,陳先生不放心,於是自行把過瀘 後 的


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