Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bobby Bradley, 9, Becomes Youngest To Fly Balloon Solo

Bobby Bradley, 9, Becomes Youngest To Fly Balloon Solo

Jeri Clausing, Associated Press

TOME, N.M. — Nine-year-old Bobby Bradley floated into history early Saturday, taking off solo in a hot air balloon and landing perfectly about a half-hour later to become the youngest trained pilot to accomplish such a feat.

Showing maturity and composure well beyond his years, Bradley proved any doubters wrong as he strategically touched down on a dirt road – exactly as his parents had instructed. Some among a small crowd gathered for the event then doused the boy with non-alcoholic champagne and silly string as he knelt to drink his celebratory glass.

"It was awesome. It was amazing. I loved it," he said.

"Absolutely perfect," is how his mother, Tami, described the landing.

His father, Troy Bradley, proudly remarked that his son "flew the way we knew he could."


The boy took off to the cheers of more than 50 friends, family and classmates who gathered at 5 a.m. in Albuquerque to drive in a caravan to a remote field that was chosen for its lack of power lines and other potential hazards.

Takeoff came shortly before 7 a.m., along with three other balloons whose pilots included a designated balloon examiner for the Federal Aviation Administration and a balloonist who helped make Bradley's special ultra-light craft.

The boy's flight lasted 26 minutes.

"I didn't want to land," he said afterward. "I wanted to keep going. It's fun out there."
Although his mother said she would not normally recommend that 9-year-olds fly solo, she said it was a natural progression for her son, who is "not your normal 9-year-old."

Bobby is a fourth-generation balloonist and has been flying in them for more than half his life, with his parents and some of the sport's most experienced and decorated pilots. He has nearly 30 hours of flight time with his father in a standard hot air balloon. But he can't get his pilot's license until he's 16, so his family and friends built the smaller balloon that is classified as an ultra-light aircraft to enable Saturday's solo flight.

Both of his parents have been licensed pilots since they were teenagers. The two won the America's Challenge Gas Balloon Race, one of the country's biggest events in balloon racing, in 1998. Troy Bradley also helped pilot the first balloon to fly from North America to Africa and has set dozens of world records in ballooning.

Two days before the landmark flight, his maternal grandmother Jan Stevenson – who sewed the panels of the blue, red and yellow balloon together – gave him a jacket his late grandfather Bob Stevenson used to wear, complete with all the ballooning pins he was so proud of. Although Bobby had planned to wear it for the flight, it was getting warm out by the time he took off so he carried it in his gondola, along with two beanie bears belonging to him and his sister that he said his father always takes with him when he competes in balloon races.

After the flight, he hugged his grandmother and asked, "Were you scared?"

"I have to admit I was," she said.

Needles are the enemy for balloon dress

Needles are the enemy for balloon dress
updated 8/9/2011 10:38:07 AM ET 2011-08-09T14:38:07

TOKYO — The latest in dresses from one Japanese designer is feather-light, see-through and comes with an unusual warning: watch out for needles.

Stampede! C'mon — what's not to like?
Hoof it over to Facebook to join the weird news herd.
It's a dress made from balloons -- 200 of them, to be exact.

The crystal-clear creation is the latest in balloon couture from balloon artist Rie Hosokai, who has won international prizes at Belgium's annual "The Millennium Jam" balloon festival for her skill at twisting and weaving the light, latex toys into dresses.

"There are latitude and longitude balloons to be woven together, so it's quite similar to fabric," said the 35-year-old Hosokai recently, as she deftly manipulated balloons into a transparent mini-dress.

All the work is done by hand, and Hosokai said it can be hard to account for the amount of air when adjusting the size and volume of the dress.

The garment, worn with white underwear and co-designed by Hosokai's husband Takashi Kawada, was modeled for photographers with the warning, "Watch out for needles."

Despite the inexpensive materials, 7 yen($0.09)for each of the 200 balloons she used, the bubbly creation came with a price tag of well over a thousand dollars, reflecting Hosokai's determination to puncture the stereotype of balloons being something cheap.

Advertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesMost of Hosokai's dresses carry price tags ranging from 150,000 to 300,000 yen($1,930 to $3,860), but she has sold a set of balloon dress, headpiece and bouquet for 1 million yen.

Each dress lasts only 24 hours at most before it starts to deflate, while some change color depending on the temperature and humidity.

Hosokai, who began her career as a florist before expanding into balloon art and opening her "Daisy Balloon" office ten years ago, hopes to lift the profile of balloon fashion and attract customers eager for unusual party wear.

She has sold more than 20 wedding dresses since entering the business two years ago and would be pleased if her ephemeral garments helped lift spirits in the wake of Japan's March 11 disaster by reminding people of their childhood dreams.

"You can wow people at parties or weddings with a balloon dress. They'll be surprised, " she said.

(Reporting by Hyun Oh; editing by Elaine Lies)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

These are real birds!

Sup, Polish Chicken


Winson's Bird Of Paradise


Bleeding Heart Pigeons

Lady Amherst's Pheasant


Green Jay

Golden Pheasant


Formosan Magpie


To remove the bulb from the mouth

1. Household light bulb
2. lace
3. bow scarf
4. screwdriver

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Have a Laugh in China

回收的最高境界! (Asking for 'unwanted' women for re-cycling)

婚紗的最高境界! The wedding gown ...!!!

溜狗的最高 境界! (New way of dog walking)

先買人身保險~~所小木屋内的廁所!The toilet

他們一天要 KISS多少次呢??(How many kisses a day???)

大家一起來 `~~ (Do it together)

超載的最高境界! (Another way of over capacity)

蛋糕的最高境界! (The cake for the 'ma-jong' player)

坐姿的最高境界! (Various sitting postures)

女生為啥 愛 遲到?原因在此!!(Why she was late ...!!!)

蒸饅頭的最高境界! (Steaming the buns)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ngerii...Ular "Beranak" Dalam Perut Wanita ini..Pakistani woman has snake growing in belly

Ngerii...Ular "Beranak" Dalam Perut Wanita ini..
Seorang wanita dari Pakistan merayu kepada pihak berkuasa untuk membantu dalam mendapatkan pembedahan untuk membuang ular besar yang sedang membesar di dalam perutnya.

Menurut akhbar Pakistan, wanita yang berusia 50 tahun Rasheedan Bibi dari Saggar, utara Lahore, secara tidak sengaja menelan ular kecil yang ada di dalam air minuman beliau beberapa bulan yang lalu.

Walau bagaimanapun, selepas beberapa minggu perut Rasheedan mula membesar, dan dia percaya dia hanya mengandung. Tetapi Rasheedan terus mengembang dan mengembang, dan menjadi sangat sakit. Selepas tujuh bulan bengkak sehingga Rasheedan akhirnya meminta bantuan perubatan dan pergi ke hospital.

Menurut Rasheedan kakitangan hospital menggunakan ultrasound untuk melihat apa yang telah membesar di dalam perutnya dan ia menunjukkan ular besar sedang melingkar di dalamnya.

Rasheedan, yang datang dari latar belakang luar bandar yang miskin, merayu kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan untuk membantu beliau mendapatkan rawatan agar ular besar itu dibuang.

Pakistani woman has snake growing in belly. This is indeed the weirdest thing we’ve heard in quite a while! A woman, originally from Pakistan went to the doctors believing that she was 7 months pregnant, just to find shocking news: the ultrasound revealed a giant snake growing inside her.

As unbelievable as that seems, it’s apparently true, 50 year-old Rasheedan Bibi claims to have accidentally swallowed a tiny snake from her drinking water, two months after the incident, her abdomen started swelling and the woman thought she was pregnant. After another 5 months she was extremely swelled and ill, that’s when she went to the doctors to find out what is wrong. The results were amazing, she had a huge snake growing inside her, now she seeks help at the authorities, because she can not afford the extraction procedure. How the snake grew in her body, still remains a medical mystery…

It’s amazing how the body didn’t reject the foreign animal immediately, and even more amazing and mysterious is what the gigantic snake inside her eats… The questions will remain unanswered until the surgeons operate Rasheedan Bibi from Saggar and take the snake out.