Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton's Biography
Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" Middleton (born 9 January 1982) is the fiancée of Prince William of Wales. Since their relationship began, Middleton has received widespread media attention and there was much speculation that they would eventually marry. On 16 November 2010, the office of the Prince of Wales at Clarence House announced their engagement. On 23 November, it was announced the marriage would take place on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey.

$ 8 billion and marriage Prince William

$ 8 billion and marriage Prince William
London : United Kingdom | Nov 27, 2010
By ahmed ibrahem ibrahem Buray

British experts have warned that the cause of the wedding Prince William, ranked second in line to the throne and Kate MiddletonKate Middleton in losses to the British economy up to $ 8 billion.

The newspaper "Daily Telegraph" that Britain will be open for business just three days during the period from 22 April to 2 May next year,

After the announcement by Prime Minister David Cameron on the marriage of William and Kate, who decided at the April 29, will be an official holiday.

The newspaper pointed out that the body of British Industry estimated that the marriage of the prince, who would extend the period of holidays to 11 days, including Easter Holiday, will cost the economy £ 5 billion pounds as a result of lost productivity and overtime payments.

She added that the "British employers have announced that small businesses will suffer lost sales because of the additional holiday,

While others warned that other companies will be forced to close down during that period because many of its employees will take leave during absences from work or sick days. "

The newspaper quoted Stephen of "Federation of Small Businesses," saying: "The additional leave can not come at a worse time than the present time, it raises a real concern because it tempted a lot of staff time off work to enjoy a holiday long week Royal Wedding."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

May Be ~


Maybe. . We were supposed to meet the
Wrong people before meeting the right
One so that, when we finally meet the
Right person, we will know how to be
Grateful for that gift.

Maybe . . . It is true that we don't
Know what we have until we lose it,
But it is also true that we don't know
What we have been missing until it

Maybe . . . The brightest future will
Always be based on a forgotten past;
After all, you can't go on
Successfully in life until you let go
Of your past mistakes, failures and

Maybe . . You should hope for enough
Happiness to make you sweet, enough
Trials to make you strong, enough
Sorrow to keep you human, and enough
Hope to make you happy.

Maybe . . . The happiest of people
Don't necessarily have the best of
Everything; they just make the most of
Everything that comes along their way.

Maybe .. . . The best kind of friend is
The kind you can sit on a porch and
Swing with, never say a word, and then
Walk away feeling like it was the best
Conversation you've ever had.

Maybe . . . Happiness waits for all
Those who cry, all those who hurt, all
Those who have searched, and all those
Who have tried, for only they can
Appreciate the importance of all the
People who have touched their lives.

May be . . You should do something nice
For someone every single day, even if
It is simply to leave them alone.

Maybe . . . There are moments in life
When you miss someone -- a parent, a
Spouse, a friend, a child -- so much
That you just want to pick them from
Your dreams and hug them for real, so
That once they are around you
Appreciate them more.

Maybe … giving someone all your love
Is never an assurance that they will
Love you back. Don't expect love in
Return; just wait for it to grow in
Their heart; but, if it doesn't, be
Content that it grew in yours.

Maybe .. . . You should dream what you
Want to dream; go where you want to
Go, be what you want to be, because
You have only one life and one chance
To do all the things you dream of, and
Want to do.

"Life is only travelled ONCE; Today’s MOMENT becomes Tomorrow’s MEMORY.
Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself…."

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Diwali Around The World

Diwali Around The World

Diwali is celebrated in almost all the regions of India. Apart from India, the festival is celebrated worldwide. It has become synonymous with the culture and celebrations of India. People in different parts of the world celebrate Diwali with zeal and enthusiasm. They consider the festival as the one that signifies the victory of good over the evil. It is believed that the evil spirits are destroyed into ashes by the fireworks. On the occasion, there are jubilations and feasts all around. The Hindus in Guyana, Fiji, Mauritius, Myanmar, Malaysia, Nepal, Japan, Thailand, Srilanka, Trinidad and Tobago as well as Britain, Indonesia, Singapore, Africa, Australia and even Southern America are known to celebrate Diwali. In the following lines, we have given information on worldwide Deepavali celebrations.

Diwali Celebrations Around The World

Diwali In India
Diwali is a five-day extravaganza in India. Diwali celebrations in India is marked by multi-colored display of Rangoli designs at the entranceway of residents, special pooja ceremonies, lines of colorful and sparkling lights and earthen lamps (diyas), exchange of sweets and gifts, fireworks and lots of shopping. Every home in the country shines with the glow of the dazzling lights and candles that are lit to welcome Goddess Lakshmi on Diwali.

Diwali In UK
In Britain, people indulge themselves in spring-cleaning their home. They wear new clothes and decorate their homes with fancy lights. The British city of Leicester is notable for the Diwali extravaganza. The official switch-on ceremony is the highlight of Diwali celebrations in Leicester. Thousands of people witness the ceremony.

Diwali In USA
Diwali celebrations in USA are akin to that witnessed in India. In USA, houses are decorated with earthen lamps. Spectacular display of sparkling electronic lights is the highlight of the celebrations. Colorful rangoli are also displayed. People in USA gather in the evenings, at a community hall nearby, where cultural events are organized. Fire crackers are burst and Diwali sweets and snacks are distributed among the family and friends.

Diwali In Australia
Diwali in Australia is marked by magnificent display of fireworks. The population of Australia, with Indian origin, celebrates the festival with much pomp and gaiety. Indians living in Australia use the opportunity to showcase their unity in diversity and the rich cultural heritage of India. They illuminate their homes with colorful lights and diyas.

Diwali In Mauritius
About 63% population in Mauritius has Indian origins and 80% of them are Hindus. Therefore, the celebration of Hindu festivals is a common sight in Mauritius. Diwali is celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama, after 14 years of exile. Much like India, earthen lamps are lit in rows, in Mauritius. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped and crackers are burst to ward off the evil spirits

Diwali In Nepal
In Nepal, Diwali is known as 'Tihar' and celebrated for five days, in October/November. On the first day, cows are worshipped and given offerings. On the second day, dogs are revered and offered special food. On the third day, Diwali celebrations in Nepal are similar to that in India, with lights, lamps and social activities. On the fourth day Yama, the Lord of Death, is worshipped and appeased. On the fifth and final day, brothers and sisters meet and exchange gifts.

Diwali In Malaysia
Diwali is celebrated in most parts of Malaysia, except in the regions of Sarawak and Federal Territory of Labuan. Nearly 8% of the population of Malaysia comprises of Hindus, who celebrate 'Hari Diwali' that symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. Malaysian people start their Diwali celebrations with the traditional oil bath, visit the temples and offer prayers. Small earthen lamps with coconut oil are lit to commemorate the victory of Lord Rama over the demon-king Ravana.

Diwali In Indonesia
Although majority of the Indonesian population follows Islam - Hindus constitute only 2% of the population - Diwali is celebrated with much pomp and gaiety. The island of Bali is famous for Diwali celebrations, as majority of the Indians are concentrated there. They celebrate the festival by following rituals that are native to India. The celebrations in the country are similar to that of India.

Diwali In Trinidad
Diwali celebrations in Trinidad are marked by the colorful display of fireworks. Since 1966, the festival is celebrated for nine days and culminated with a national holiday. Indian classical music performances, Hindu devotional song renditions, dance shows are organized during the festival. People clad themselves in ethnic Indian attire, to take part in the merrymaking.

Diwali In Singapore
Serangoon Road in Singapore is famous for Diwali celebrations. This is the place where maximum people of Indian origin reside. During Diwali, the streets in Singapore are filled with families, who are busy shopping for the festival. The archways are decorated with flowers and garlands. Diyas are also lit. People visit Hindu temples in Singapore to offer prayers.

Diwali In Fiji
The people belonging to the Indo Fijian community decorate their homes with flashing lights. Apart from Hindus in the island nation, non-Hindus also take part in the festivities. Crackers are burst by children, who take part in various extracurricular activities held in their schools. Exchange of sweets and fireworks are part of the merrymaking. The diyas, candles and electric lights are lit in the evening. The celebrations are culminated by feasting.

Wrong bathroom - just for laugh

wrong bathroom

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Taiwan child pianist wows China blindfolded: report

Taiwan child pianist wows China blindfolded: report
2010-11-03 15:20
TAIPEI, Tuesday 2 November 2010 (AFP) - A six-year-old Taiwanese pianist claiming to be self-taught has charmed a Chinese audience after he was invited to perform blindfolded on state television, Taiwanese media said Tuesday.

Yu Sung-tze wowed the crowd with a smooth rendition of Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Flight of the Bumblebee" on China's CCTV, despite being blindfolded, the Nownews website said.

Yu said that he has been playing on his own since he was four years old and that he could play pieces from memory after listening to them a few times, without having to read the scores, the report said.

The boy appeared on a programme called "I want to be on the Lunar New Year Evening Show," which allows the public to vote for which performer can join China's most-watched programme.

Kooky 2010.11.03

Woman Goes 30 Years Without A Bath

Woman Goes 30 Years Without A Bath

SINGAPORE: She doesn't have to worry about laundry, because she never washes her clothes.

There's an old woman in the Lion City who never washes her clothes. She wears them for a whole month, then throws them away and wears a new set.

She also hasn't taken a bath for 30 years!

The woman looks normal enough, except for the foul odour emanating from her body The smell causes other residents to avoid her.

Zhang, the 67-year-old woman, not only refuses to take a bath, but also does not wash her face, brush her teeth or wash her clothes. Her actions are baffling.

On Sunday, she suddenly began camping on the ground floor of the apartment block with her wardrobe, bed and other necessities.

When interviewed, the old lady said she used to stay with her younger brother and his children in one of the units upstairs, but someone moved her things to the ground floor on Saturday. When she found out her bed had been moved outside, she didn't feel like sleeping on the bare floor of her bedroom, so she went to the ground floor of the apartment block to sleep on her bed there.

Personal Belongings Removed After Pleas Fall On Deaf Ears

From what is known, the woman is still single. She used to be an artisan, but has since been unemployed for over 20 years now.

Her nephew Mr. Zhang, 30, who works as an accountant, told reporters, "I've lived with my aunt since I was little, and have never seen her take a bath or wash her clothes. She wears her clothes for a whole month straight and throws them away, then puts on new ones.”

Mr. Zhang said his wife would give birth in two weeks' time, and he is worried an unhygienic environment would affect the baby's health. He had pleaded with his aunt, asking her to start bathing. It was only when she continued to refuse that he felt he had no other choice but to move her things out.

(Sin Chew Daily)

Top Ten Ways People are Wasting Water

Top Ten Ways People are Wasting Water
Article by Prerna Malik

The average person wastes up to 30 gallons of water every day. Learn about the top 10 ways in which people waste this valuable natural resource and how easy it is to stop wasting water.

Water is one of the most important natural resources and wasting it is nothing short of a crime. According to the U.S Geological Survey, the average American uses up to 100 gallons of water everyday at home. We all know that water is essential for good health, productive societies and profitable economies. Now, just imagine a life without water or even one where water is available in a limited supply. It does seem bleak. However, if households the world over continue wasting water, this bleak scenario will become a harsh reality. Here are 10 of the most common ways in which people waste water at home.

Top Five Major Water Wasters at Home
1. Leaving the Water Running. One of the most common ways in which people waste water is by leaving the water running when brushing teeth, shaving or doing the dishes. All that is need to change this habit is a conscious awareness. Turn that faucet off as soon as you start brushing, shaving or doing the dishes. For rinsing the dishes, fill one sink with clean rinse water and one with soapy water. For rinsing your mouth, simply keep a glass of water at hand instead of drinking directly from the faucet. For rinsing the razor while shaving you can easily fill the sink 1/4th full and use that water.

2. Car Washing. Using a hose to wash the car can use up gallons of water. According to, if you leave the hose running, you can end up wasting 150 gallons of water! However, if you use a simple bucket and sponge to scrub the car can not just get your car clean but will also give you some good exercise while saving water.

3. Showers. Did you know that showering longer than 5 minutes wastes 5 to 10 gallons of water? According to, every extra minute contributes to water wastage. You can either invest in a low-flow shower head, aim for quick showers or simply bathe using a bucket and pail. According to, a water-efficient showerhead can help save close to 750 gallons of water a month.

4. Cleaning the Outdoor Area. Using the hose to clean the yard, driveway or patio can waste hundreds of gallons of water on a weekly basis. Instead, if you simply sweep these areas clean, you’ll save water, get some exercise and save a huge amount of water.

5. Laundry. We all need clean clothes but cleanliness doesn’t have to cost gallons of water. When you run half-full loads of laundry, you can end up wasting 1000 gallons of water a month. If your washing machine has the option, do match the water level to the wash load.

6. Dishwashers. As in the case of laundry, running a half-full load of dishes in the dishwasher is a sheer waste of water. For a small number of dishes, simply wash them by hand.

7. Leaky Faucets and Toilets. One of the most common culprits of water wastage at home is the leaky faucet and toilet. It may seem insignificant but the little drips can actually add up. According to the U.S Geological Survey, a constantly leaking toilet can waste up to 22 gallons of water every day which adds up 8000 gallons of water in the year!

8. Watering the Lawn. Lawns look lovely but when you consider the amount of water that goes waste by watering them improperly, it takes away some of their loveliness. offers plenty of suggestions to save water while watering the yard and garden. Some of them include watering lawns deeply instead of frequently, avoid watering when its windy since most of the water will get blown away, watering in the morning or evening, and checking the roots of the lawn for moisture before watering.

9. Kitchen Water Wastage. The kitchen uses a lot of water and there are plenty of ways in which one may unknowingly waste it. Washing fruits and vegetables in running water will not get them any cleaner than washing them in a pan filled with water. If you feel better only when you wash fruits and vegetables under running water, then at least collect that water and use it to water potted plants. Cooking also uses a lot of water, especially when you boil or steam vegetables. Reuse that water when making a curry or a soup. You’ll get valuable nutrients while saving water as well. Using inefficient appliances can also result in a lot of water wastage. According to the U.S Geological Survey, homeowners should check for appliances with the WaterSense label and invest in those to economize the use of water.

10. Kiddie Fun. Children love to cool off and splash around in the water. However, water fun can be expensive. Instead, you can let them have their fun by running the sprinklers on in the driest part of the lawn. Or let them help you with washing the car with a bucket and sponge. They get to play in water while you can feel good about saving it at the same time. Also, kids often tend to turn the faucets lightly leaving them dripping. Teach children to turn the faucets tightly and check for a drip before they walk away.

Taking care of these common culprits can help every homeowner stop wasting water and save hundreds of gallons of water without compromising on quality of life or basic needs. It is easy, effortless and economical to save water while being more eco-friendly as well. So, do check your home to see if you waste water in any of these areas and take immediate steps to stop.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010